Andrea Jones

Apr 29, 20234 min

One Faithful Step at a Time

It’s a good morning here. I’m writing from my beautiful home. The Rocky Mountains are crisp and clear today after a few days of cloudy and overcast. I need to confess, my writing habit has been a little sporadic here lately. I seem to have a bit of a writer’s block. But I keep thinking about writing. I love writing. I love telling the story that God is writing, my life, SO I am going to get to typing here and see what unfolds. I say this all the time. It takes courage to take a step, but when you do, even if it’s the tiniest step ever, God will use it. Did you notice, I said “will” not might or can.

A very powerful truth in the Bible that I often read and hear others speak comes from the book of Romans. “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” - 8:28

The context here is specific to those of us who have a relationship with Christ, who have accepted Christ into our life and are walking with his Spirit as our guide. I mention this because I believe it is so important to understand the context of scripture. Read before and after these verses, the whole chapter to get a fuller understanding of what Paul is saying. You won’t be disappointed.

Oh, you guys, I’ve got it. I will tell you about why I am so passionate about studying and digging deep into God’s word. Not just plucking verses from the Bible and creating your own interpretation. It’s because God used his word to draw me near to him, to save me.

I grew up going to church my whole childhood, into Junior High and High School a little in college and then plugging in again after college. I served on local and state youth boards. I helped organize big events for kids across the state of Nebraska. I was a camp counselor. I helped lead youth trips nationally and internationally. I was what you would call a leader. I was part of a lot of Bible studies. I heard the word of God at church every Sunday, but not until about 11 years ago did I actually start to understand what I was reading.

God used one of my best friend’s from Junior High School, Yolanda Hardesty, to encourage me to take a closer look. She had no idea what God was doing in my heart at the time, she was a new believer so she was just excited to share all she was learning. She sent me a book called "The Excellent Wife" to read because I was in a tough relationship with a man and didn’t know whether to continue forward or be done. I read that book in the morning, during my breaks and at night. I had to go slow because there was a lot to process. From reading this book that pointed me to scripture, the truth, what was revealed to me was my wrong idea of marriage, of being a wife, of how to interact with a spouse. I had been trying my best at that, but I wasn’t married. I was just dating a man. I was placing unfair expectations to fulfill things in my heart and life that only God can fulfill on him. This was the beginning of my love for God’s word. The truth! It truly set me free.

Fast forward a few months to a year, I was out of that relationship. That is when the Lord fully took ahold of my heart, placing his Spirit in me because I surrendered my sinful thoughts and actions to him and began living my life for Christ. I experienced God's true peace that surpasses all understanding. It was foreign to me for sure. My whole life changed. My way of thinking, my desires, everything! It was a drastic change for me and my friends and family saw it. I had a lot of healing to do. It was hard work, but so worth it. I no longer saw everything from a dark lense, I started to see everything through the eyes of Christ. With opportunity and freedom. With joy, peace and would you believe it, more love. God helped me fight for it, because the evil one definitely didn’t like it. Through an amazing group of young adults, my best friend and time, God started to heal me as I took one small faithful step at a time. Those steps felt like giant leaps to me by the way. But I knew God was by my side every step of the way.

God gives us a lot of really good examples that we can relate to in the Bible. Here Jesus uses a parable to explain the magnitude of what God can do with the tiniest faithful steps we take. “The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.” – Matthew 13:31-32

What step is God nudging you to take? I seem to be taking steps in a couple of directions right now. In my business, I am exploring new ideas of how to continue to be an influence in the real estate industry in Northern Colorado to encourage and empower others by using my gift of teaching and coaching. God also has me taking steps personally to grow my physical strength and mobility after a few years of focusing on the healing of my body and he has me navigating new relationships both personally and in my new community here in Windsor, Colorado.

I would love to hear from you what is happening in your life so I can be praying for you and cheering you on!

One step at a time my friend.

With Love,

