When I looked at this heap, the words that came to my mind were “A pile of praises!” My senses have been heightened this week to the rustling of the fall leaves. At one point they sounded like little feet running around the streets. Perhaps children’s feet skipping, dancing and jumping as they enjoy the sunny fall afternoon. I cannot help but sing praises unto the Lord for all that He is doing in, through and around me. "Could I possibly give praise for each and every one of these leaves," I asked myself? As I stopped to think, I realized, "yes," there is so much to be thankful and grateful for. It is based on my perspective of each conversation, struggle, challenge, situation, opportunity, and relationship. So I started to sing praises unto the Lord as I thought about a praise for each one of these leaves. I didn't count the pile, but I thought I would give it a try...
* A loving family who communicates and honors one another through all of life’s ups and downs * Neighbor who offers tools for gathering leaves * Neighbors who lend a helping hand raking, gathering and hauling leaves away * An encouraging handmade note from a sweet young friend of mine in the mail * Breath-taking sunset at Lake Loveland * A bubble maker blowing ginormous bubbles at Lake Loveland * Opportunity to lead my very first women’s bible study lesson * Prayer Initiative at church were we pray together twice a day for our church, community, and nation at 7:14am and 7:14pm * The miracle of new lives * Gift of walking through death with ones near and dear to me * Celebrating a friends’ engagement * Doctors to help me with my health journey of healing * Sharing the gospel with a neighbor * Honor of praying for friends and neighbors loved ones who are sick * It SNOWED! I love snow! More moisture to help put out the Colorado wildfires * Time to study the bible * Support and prayers from dear friends *Kindness from my roommate * Space to create by sewing new curtains * Provision and time to make good healthy meals * Laughter with good friends * Sleep * A business that continues to be a blessing * A warm house * Snuggly bright colored socks * Time to reflect * Circumstances and situations that continue to draw me nearer to God * Answers to many prayers prayed * The ability to worship corporately * Super kind and supportive co-workers *
I'm so thankful for All of YOU who are taking the time to read this blog post. I hope you are encouraged. *Speaking of praises, I'd love to hear yours. It is so powerful and encouraging to share. Please do share in the comments below to empower all of us.
-"May mercy and peace and love be multiplied to you." - Jude 1:2
With Gratitude -- Andrea