Andrea Jones

Oct 14, 20213 min

Learning to Rest

Updated: Feb 23, 2022

This is a constant endeavor. What does it look like or sound like to rest? How do you turn the noise off?

I am learning! When I take a day of rest, I find my mornings, much like this morning, with wrestling in my heart as to what to do.


I have been asking questions of others to find out what their day of rest looks like and seeking the Lord to discover what is best for me. It is hard to stop work and be fully devoted to a day with the Lord trusting He has my business covered for a full day and that anything that might need my attention can wait a day, but the more I practice the easier it gets. I learn what to do, what not to do. What tempts me to allow me to fall back into work mode and what helps me enjoy a day with my Father.

Here are a few tips I’ve learned along the way by trial and error and by asking others…

  • Turn phone off or place on DND and even put away in a drawer.

  • Plan meals ahead of time whether you meal prep or know where you are going. That way you don’t have to work at it on your day of rest.

  • Change of scenery such as a park, coffee shop, your backyard. Going somewhere may not be restful for you, so pray about it. Some days it is for me and others being home is right where I need to be.

  • Schedule your day of rest and post it for the whole family or your roommates to see. I even let my family who I don’t live with know so they aren’t worried when they can’t get ahold of me.

  • Set a plan for how you will spend the day so you won’t fall back into your work routine (I am realizing right now as I write this is what is causing my wrestle. It is a valuable step I’ve been missing, but thankfully I have many opportunities to practice).

  • Do something special, such as taking a leisurely walk, a time of worship, a dinner with friends to celebrate all God has done.

  • Devote an afternoon of quiet reading and napping.

  • Try out something new or do something you’ve always loved like playing an instrument, drawing, painting, writing letters, or dancing.

  • Spend time in your prayer closet, interceding for others and listening for God’s direction.

  • Contemplate on God and His Word. Meditate and be patient to wait and hear all He has for you.

  • Spend time journaling, let the ink flow.

  • Remember, go back in your memories or even past journals to see all God has done.

Wow! Writing out these ideas has given me such peace in moving forward with my day. I got the day on the calendar, which is awesome, so now I’m going to plan what the rest of my day is going to look like right now! I hope this was encouraging. Please reach out if you need to process, pray or ask any further questions.

The refreshment that can come from “stopping” our everyday list and tasks is so powerful for God’s Kingdom. If we aren’t filled up by Him it’s mighty hard to do the work He is calling us to on a daily basis.

Blessings to you,

