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  • Writer's pictureAndrea Jones

God's Provision for Us

Thousands of birds
Glitter in the Sky - A Reminder of God's Provision

I can’t stop thinking about all the birds I drove by on one of my travel days this past week. Thousands of birds in one field and in the air. Mid-air, all the way high flying in their formations and some getting ready for flight. The sun was hitting them just perfectly. They were shining so bright. It looked like glitter in the sky. I couldn’t take a picture because there was not a place to pull over but I have the picture in my mind. It instantly made me think of how precious each one of those birds is to the Lord. He cares for them.

“Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?” – Matthew 6:26-27

How much more does the Lord value and care for us? What an amazing visual picture and reminder of God’s provision for his children.

Two days prior to seeing this beautiful picture, I experienced the Lord’s provision in a very tangible way as I traveled to be with my dear college friend for her Dad’s funeral.

Sammy girl, that's my car, has been acting up for the past couple of months. Flashing lights off and on the dash, but when codes are checked all is in working order. Quite honestly it has been causing me some anxiety when driving or even preparing to drive, especially long distances. On this day, yet another light appeared on the dash, but this one was sudden and with it came a declaration of the car. I was able to maneuver to the right lane and get completely off of the interstate, still uncomfortable when cars are buzzing by you at 75 mph, but at least I was off the highway. What happened next was totally the Lord’s provision. One step at a time he showed me the way. First a local towing company got me towed to safety and warmth. Next my mechanic was able to diagnosis the problem over the phone and though he couldn't come to help that day, he had me reach out to a mechanic friend of his who was able to locate an alternator near him. He picked it up and drove to the rest stop parking lot where Sammy was parked and swapped out my alternator right there. This allowed me to continue on my journey so I could be with my dear friend the next day.

It is trials like these where we get to experience the nearness of the Lord. I prayed and talked to God about my heart’s desire to get to the funeral. He knew. He provided a way. I experienced the peace of God within me that day. I gained an experience that will be a reminder of my Father’s deep love and care for me. He showed me the way, one step at a time. He is Provider.

“So Abraham called the name of that place, “The Lord will provide” as it is said to this day. “On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided.” – Genesis 22:14


Lean in, God’s got you,


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